Another way
Saigon3days need to find another blog, one more time... I don't unterstand why.
but we can follow us here on this page.
here if you speak english... my english, poor english.
friends propose to help me with this. we find soon good translation.
tomorrow 27 02 2016 we have a meeting.
if you are free saturday 27 02 2015 - just here - higland coffee near the bus station behind the ben thanh market. I come around 8.15 a.m and i need to go back around 9.30 a.m. We talk just about communication and team manager. my phone is 01 639 329 615 . i give you the link google map for the meeting point.
Highlands Coffee Ham Nghi 181 Hà m Nghi, Hồ Chà Minh, Nguyá»…n Thái Bình Quáºn 1 Hồ Chà Minh, Vietnam. but if you can not it's ok, we meet us another day..